It always pays to proof your ads before they go to print. Realtors have so many platforms in which to market homes an share information. Letting a typo fall through the cracks can actually get someone in hot water with HUD or their local Board.
Anacortes, Burlington, Mount Vernon, and Oak Harbor Homes For Sale
Real Estate in winter is challenging. Only the most motivated buyers and sellers get involved in transactions when it's snowing and blowing. In my corner of the world we are challenged with icy roads, power outages, and school closures. Thankfully it only lasts for a couple of weeks every year. I don't know how Realtors in the midwest do it when they have a solid three months of winter.
This is a great time to go on vacation, or just spend some quality time with the family. I can't believe I spent thirty dollars for a cheap plastic sled at the hardware store. It was well worth the price watching my four year old bombing down the hills. He had no desire to go back in the house even though his face was beet red and numb. I think he thouroughly enjoyed himself.
This can be a challenging time for the housing market, but showing homes can be a lot of fun when the family has the house all dressed up for Christmas, with the lights and the tree and all of the decorations. The prospective buyers don't have to use their imagination to wonder what the house would look like with holiday decorations.
Some homes look really good with a good layer of snow around. It's also nice to publish pictures and market homes with the contrast of the snow bringing out the colors of the home and trim. With view property there are fewer obstructions this time of year without the leaves on the trees. I'm going out today to get a few snowy shots on a couple listings just for additional marketing pictures.
I wish the snow would last longer but in the Pacific Northwest this is just a temporary condition. It's going to melt away soon and be replaced by rain as usual.
Get there any way you can.
The process of moving doesn't have to be this involved. I have all of the resources that it takes to make your next move a smooth one. Go to my website and start your transition today. www.andrewculp.com