Sunday, November 12, 2006

Benefit Tonight

Tonia Radke has some huge medical bills to pay with no insurance (bartenders rarely have insurance) Come in and support her by participating in our silent auction, raffle or just buy a burger, Anacortes Amber, Absolut, Jim Beam or Sauza! Procedes go to the Tonia Radke Melanoma Fund.Silent auction begins Sunday morning. Come in and fill out a bid form and re-bid as often as you like and we will contact you if you win such items as an ipod nano, 2hrs of limousine service, full car detailing, local restaurant gift certificates, massages, salon product and service, art work and much more. At 9pm there will be a $3 joint cover with the Watertown (100% donated) at the Brown- Mouseheart Factor performs followed by Red Note and DJ Funkin' A. In between MC AC Murry will be giving away some fantastic raffle prizes. At the Watertown To Spite Mike performs followd by Thin the Herd. See you there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tonia Radke has some huge medical bills to pay with no insurance ..

Apply now Nation wide cash